
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

After he had finished his talk, one of the pastors in charge of the conference hosted at El Puente this past weekend challenged the group to find a new face and pray with them.  In the midst of two days worth of speeches about unity, only in that moment I saw words take a meaning deeper than themselves.  As I prayed in broken Spanish that my sister would feel peace about starting school this next week, the pang I´ve been feeling for the prayer house in the back of El Puente just grew stronger. 

Towards the end of the conference, volunteers were asked to tell the group about what they learned during the two days and I honestly thought I had nothing to share that would fill that prompt.  I had heard all the words before.  It wasn´t bad, but I wasn´t sure what I could add that wouldn´t sound stale.  Instead my heart and mind kept going back to the vision for the hut in the background and what I’d want to say during closing if I was asked to explain the dream of seeing that filled and the kickoff planned for next week to really start getting it moving. 

Only later did it become painfully obvious how great of an opportunity was missed.  The end came and left with nothing more being said and I left rehearsing what could have been said about how bridging the gap between churches, cultures, and people from different backgrounds.  About uniting family simply by being avaliable.  I thought about praying with Marilia, the girl I only met once but felt an instant bond with and how I long to see the prayer house as a place, not to seek out solitude as it has been, but where people can come knowing that there is always someone willing to lift their need’s up before the Lord.
Even so I know that God won´t let this dream die.  Doors are continually being opened.  This is His dream that He planted in the hearts of the last team and is now igniting in mine.  He chooses to use us even when our twiddling of the thumbs may mean it takes longer,  but sure enough He will unite His people.  I know my help isn´t needed, but I guess that´s what makes it so exciting.  
Please pray as opportunities come to share this rising passion to see Granada unified that I´d not shy away from what I´ve asked for.  A chance to find a voice that can scream a Name other than my own.


  1. You’re on to something!! “Where two or three are gathered, I am in the midst of them.” That sounds like prayer! The two cherabim over the Ark in the Tabernacle, facing each other with God’s glory in the middle. That sounds like prayer! Being a ‘Kingdom of Priests’ means we are to usher the people, with their confession and sacrifice, to Jesus — going with them!! — in prayer! It’s the quickest cleanest tool for evangelism — letting them talk to God himself, in their own words. A prayer room with priests… just like God set it up!! May the Lord explode these leadings to your heart… it’s your calling, dear! A ‘house of prayer for ALL nations!’

  2. I love that you’re finding peace in the whole “not needing to be needed” – but those of us rooting for you back home are cheering and interceding that God will move when you speak! You have a purpose and a destiny Val! We believe in you!

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