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Solo un poquito sobre mi vida – just a little about me

  Since less than half of the bio that I set up in December is still true, I figure this is as good as a point as any to fix that.  Ok, my name and place of birth haven’t changed, but it’s pretty boring information and not worth repeating.  I still live in Stow, right between Akron and Cleveland OH, but we’ve been here 11 years as of July so I guess that needed to be updated.  As I noted in the post “One Day More” (a slightly overly dramatic reference from our senior year all school musical Les Mis) the CRA position aforementioned in the previous about page no longer exists, therefore that too is a bit outdated.  I graduated from Tri-C this summer with 85ish credits, including way too many art electives, so the 45 minute commute is no longer a reality and I’m not even going to pretend that I know what my major is.  My associates is a general liberal arts degree and it’s possible that I’ll finish a bachelors in Spanish since it lets me go overboard with electives (which I’ll pretty much do regardless), but it’s also possible that I’ll never step into a classroom again.  There’s a possibility I’ll spend the rest of my life in a classroom, perhaps as a ESL teacher.  If it’s meant to be, I could even end up in a cubicle again.  The more I try to narrow down what I’d be willing to do, the less likely it is that I’d accept a challenge outside of the bubble shaped box I’ve created for myself.  Things work out better when I get out of the way, so as to what the future holds, I’ll just ask the Lord to surprise me.


  1. I’m not quite sure- it came like this. I guess this is my reward for getting the blog set up a month later than it should have been 🙂 Your green background matches your pictures perfectly though, so it works out.

  2. Hey Valerie, I also live in Ohio. Google says we are about four hours away. I am super excited to meet everyone. I can’t believe there are three of us from Ohio. This must be a good state.

  3. I like your middle name… but I might be a bit biased. 🙂 Nobody ever guesses what the A in my middle name stands for either, it is always entertaining to watch them try to guess!! So excited to have you on the team, can’t wait to get to know you better! God bless!

  4. OK then… looking forward to getting to know you more in a little while. Awesome that you speak spanish! I’m trying to get there myself.

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